"I am an experienced Quality Assurance  and Compliance Manager with extensive expertise in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. Known for my strong project management and analytical skills, I specialise in compliance oversight, policy development, ISO9001 Quality Management Systems, and continuous improvement initiatives"

Sarah Lees

Quality Assurance  and Compliance Manager 

Personal Learning Profile

I hold a Master of Business Administration (MBA), which includes a Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma of Management, as well as a Bachelor of Business and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40116).

My professional experience lies within the realm of teaching vocational skills applying androgrogy, where I have gained valuable expertise in both instruction and the development of training resources. To further advance my career and meet the requirements for more senior roles, it is essential to obtain an AQF-level 8 qualification. Pursuing the Graduate Certificate of Education aligns with this objective, as it is a strategic step toward achieving my long-term professional goals.

"I help RTO's comply with regulatory and legislative and contractual requirements to sustain business continuity."
Sarah Lees

Graduate Certificate in Education (Learning and Leadership)

Professionals seeking to lead change at work , support learning innovation or assist others in their learning —whether in corporate, higher education, secondary education or vocational settings will learn about innovative learning design, learning leadership, learning in the digital era, and cutting-edge methods and research on learning. Check out the subjects below.

Leading Learning

Leading learning practices.

Learn the "Interview to the Double; (ITTD) to extrapulate leading learning practices. Explore common themes with other sectors.


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Learning in the Digital Age

Critically evaluate digital learning technologies, pedagogies, and workplace environments to develop effective, digitally enabled strategies. Use diverse media and multimodal artifacts to communicate complex concepts with clarity and impact.

Learning and its Trajectories

Learning objectives coming soon..........

Designing Innovative Learning

Learning objectives coming soon..........